Tru Irish Blog — Truagh Development Association
Tru Irish Gift to Leo Varadkar
Chopping Board Dernacoo Crafts Heather Humphreys Leo Varadkar Liz Christy Tru Irish Gift Truagh Development Association
Rewind one year ago where Truagh Development Association and members of the board were delighted to welcome both Minister Heather Humphreys and Leo Varadkar to see the successful Community Services Programme put in place last October by TDA. One year on, Mickey Treanor, Chairperson of Truagh and the board were pleased to welcome Minister Humphreys back to launch the latest venture, Tru Irish. TDA saw the need for the Tru Irish project, outlined its importance to the craft sector in a rural border area like Truagh and the wider north Monaghan area and therefore created a plan, which has now come to...
Launch of Tru Irish
Tru Irish Tru Irish Launch Truagh Development Association

On Monday, 6th of November 2017, Truagh Development Association held the official launch of Tru Irish. Heather Humphreys, Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, came to launch the online initiative in the Blackwater Learning Centre. We invited members of the council, local politicians, our local crafters, members of the local community and the media to come and celebrate this exciting venture. Our guests began to arrive from 12 o'clock where they were welcomed into the main hall where we had a selection of our craft work on display for everyone to see exactly what we were about. Pieces included Liz...